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Abolishing Human Abortion Prayer Time
Brenda Seemuth, pro-life activist, will be leading a focused time of prayer for abolishing human abortion. Those interested in combating this spiritual battle are invited to join this special prayer time.
On the 4th Tuesdays of the month, 10-11 am in the fellowship room.

Spiritual Freedom
Do What Jesus Did, Spiritual healing and deliverance services will be held the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month at 10 am.
Details about their services can be found on their website: or by contacting

Vancouver Lighthouse AGLOW meets at 7pm on the second Mondays of the month, excluding summer months.
Details of their services may be found on their facebook page: Aglow International Lighthouse Vancouver, WA or contacting Katie at: 503-619-6672
Furniture Moving
Bible Study
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